Consumer News

Langage Farm’s Clotted Cream topped two million mince pies in December!

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Langage Farm
Posted on
30 Dec 2023

Langage Farm’s traditional Devonshire Clotted Cream was the perfect topping for two million mince pies in December!

As the festivities draw to a close, Langage Farm in Devon proudly announces the production of a staggering 40 tonnes of their famed Devonshire clotted cream in December alone – enough to delicately top two million mince pies. This creamy delight, steeped in tradition and taste, continues to captivate palates and win accolades year after year.

Since the 1980s, Langage Farm has been crafting their delicious, traditional clotted cream, a journey that began when Mrs. Harvey ingeniously skimmed the golden Channel Island cream from their milk. Today, Langage Farm remains committed to delivering the true essence of Devon flavours, a testament to their dedication and heritage

“With our roots tracing back to 1947, Langage Farm has become synonymous with Devonshire clotted cream and ice cream,” remarks Steve Davies, Head of Sales and Marketing at Langage Farm. “The love and passion for creating luxurious, quality products started small, selling our first pot of Jersey cream in 1980, and has grown into the renowned success it is today.”
The Harvey family’s commitment extends beyond just tradition; they maintain their own herd of 265 Jersey and Guernsey cows, essential for infusing their products with their distinctive creamy taste. Ensuring the cows’ well-being is paramount, allowing them to spend nearly 22 hours a day outdoors during the summer, grazing on lush pastures, and only returning indoors for milking or inclement weather.
“Clotted cream on mince pies has become a quintessential part of the festive season,” adds Steve.  “Langage Farm’s Devonshire clotted cream adds that perfect touch of indulgence, making every mince pie, or indeed any dessert – a truly delectable treat – and the perfect Christmas accompaniment.”
Steve Davies further adds, “The festive season is a testament to the dedication and passion we pour into creating Langage Farm’s Traditional Devonshire clotted cream. Our commitment to quality and the unique taste of our products has been a driving force in Langage Farm’s success story.”
Langage Farm’s devotion to crafting premium, award-winning products remains unyielding. Their clotted cream and ice cream continue to captivate not just local hearts but resonate across the UK and beyond as far as Japan and Australia, marking Langage Farm as a cornerstone of Devon’s rich dairy heritage.
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