Spring 2024 at Springwater Farm we are ready for you!
Here at Springwater Farm in Rewe, just outside Exeter we have had a good 2024 so far, with our highland cows going TB clear (YAY!), our pasture for life and organic certified beef boxes SELLING OUT and our new campsite under renovation (follow Camp Wild for more details) we really are leaping into spring on a positive hoof!
April is an exciting time on the farm. This is the month we let all our highlands out to pasture from being cosy in our sheds over winter. There will be lots of skipping, jumping and funky mooovesss!
We also are pleased to share with you that we have had some successful calvings recently, welcoming an abundance of new life onto the farm… the fluff on the newborn highlands is rather impressive.
Please do follow our social media pages to keep up to date with our farm life antics.
Instagram: springwaterfarm_
Facebook: Springwater Farm