Consumer News

‘Not Just Veg’ looks back at a busy and uncertain year

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Not Just Veg
Posted on
24 Apr 2023

Not Just Veg is a friendly fruit and veg shop in Axminster. Read owner, Mandy’s round up of the past year…

Mandy writes: “Last year was a very busy one. Firstly, on a personal note my husband died. This meant I had to spend time away from the shop as you can imagine. I was blessed with the most fantastic family, friends and customers, suppliers and quite frankly the general population of Axminster. Some offered to work the shop and set up rotas etc, Deliveries were altered where necessary to help me, everyone went above and beyond to help keep everything going. 

“The renovation, which had been planned for earlier in the year, took place in late summer. Myself and a brilliant builder friend took down the stud wall that divided the shop floor, opening up the space. Clever builder made covers for the storage heaters and shelves out of the laminate floor that was in the front section. 

“Planning permission was sought for an illuminated hanging sign for the shop that finally materialised a couple of weeks ago. I hope it will ensure visibility from up and down the street. 

“Not Just Veg continues to supply high quality produce with new products appearing. Mostly organic fruit and vegetables, organic dairy (to order mostly though you may be lucky) Local jams marmalades, chutneys,cider vinegar with the mother, apple and pear juice, homemade soup and compotes plus much more. Also awaiting the start of a new baker to provide organic bread (again mostly to order). 

“This year I hope to survive as a business through the uncertain times – though the shop started in the midst of uncertain times and hasn’t seen ‘certain’ times yet, something to look forward to!

“Hope you will all visit soon.”

Regards Mandy

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