Consumer News

Flapjackery’s incredible fundraising

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17 Feb 2022
Sally Jenkin and Carol Myott of Flapjackery

Flapjack eating devotees have helped Tavistock-based Flapjackery raise more than £2200 for its chosen charities.

Flapjackery has shops in Tavistock, Minehead and Wells and specialises in selling hand-made artisan gluten-free flapjacks and sweet treats and its owners Sally Jenkin and Carol Myott support local fundraising causes wherever they have a business.

The nominated charities are the Tavistock branch of the Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team, RNLI Minehead and Wells Cathedral. The shops donate £1.50 of each box specific to the town to the nominated charity, and 20p every time someone opts not to take their flapjacks away in a recyclable box. In 2021 that equated to 11,124 boxes not going into landfill, or being recycled.

They said: “We wanted to support local charities that mean something to the area where we have the shops. Flapjackery’s home is Tavistock on the edge of Dartmoor which is hugely popular, both with locals and visitors. But Dartmoor can be a treacherous place. One minute you can be enjoying glorious sunshine, the next you can be shrouded in thick fog. And its a place where accidents can easily happen, even if you’re just enjoying a pleasant stroll. The DSRT is an important charity as it provides support for the emergency services if someone becomes lost or is injured, often rescuing people in remote places, and it is entirely self-funded. “Wells Cathedral is an iconic, important and beautiful building and a huge tourist attraction too and we chose the RNLI as its a crucial part of the local community all year round, helping to keep people safe as they enjoy the water.”

The Canon Chancellor of Wells Cathedral, the Revd. Canon Dr. Rob James said: “This is wonderful to receive this donation and we’re very grateful to Flapjackery and to everyone who has bought flapjacks and supported Wells Cathedral. It’s great to receive terrific support from the local community, and from visitors to Wells. We’re so grateful to everyone. Restoring and conserving a magnificent building like Wells Cathedral is an ongoing task and every single penny really does help.”

To stock up on delicious gluten free sweet treats order online at

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