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Granny Gothards
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As artisan ice cream and sorbet makers, we believe in adding nothing artificial and using only the very finest natural ingredients to make our amazing ices.
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Granny Gothards

It's in the heart of South-west of England that, since 2012, our team has been creating and churning the Granny Gothard Ice-creams and Sorbets. As artisan ice cream makers, we believe in adding nothing artificial and using only the very finest natural ingredients to make our amazing ices.

Quality and creativity are our driving forces to bring you our multi award winning products and as the Company goes from strength to strength, we continue to make our ices in the same traditional way but on a larger scale. 

Fresh milk and cream from the Gothard's farm, hand blended with fresh egg yolks and sugars for our Ice-creams; a little water and sugar for our Sorbet; plenty of Fresh, Natural Flavours, a lot of Passion and The Granny Gothards "Savoir Faire". Simple!

Granny Gothards products are free from additives, flavourings and artificial colourings and are suitable for those on a Gluten Free Diet. For those with dairy intolerances, we offer a range of fruit and alcoholic sorbets together with a range of Buffalo Milk Ice Cream and also a new range a Goat Milk Ice cream.

Amanda Jane Stansfield

Two Drifters Distillery