Consumer News

Devon Coffee Company pledges to donate 1% of all sales to non-profits helping people and the environment

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The Devon Coffee Company
Posted on
8 Jul 2022

The Devon Coffee Company based in Plymouth pledge to donate at least 1% of their sales to non profits that are working to repair the environmental and social damage caused by human impact.

The urgent issues facing our planet need so much more than they are currently receiving. Today, only 3% of philanthropy goes toward environmental giving. This is where 1% for the Planet® comes in. Through business and individual memberships, their goal is to significantly increase the overall amount of global funds going to help protect the planet.

Currently the Devon Coffee Company are proudly supporting the following non-profits:

Devon Wildlife Trust

Devon Wildlife Trust looks after 59 nature reserves, vital havens that can be discovered and enjoyed by all. Their work extends well beyond the reserve boundaries, through a suite of landscape-scale conservation projects. They help farmers and landowners to manage their land for wildlife; engage communities to create urban wildflower meadows, ponds and wildlife-friendly gardens; and inspire 10,000 children a year to love nature and take action to protect it. They are also working with partners to help the recovery of endangered species including marsh fritillary butterflies, freshwater pearl mussels, otters and greater horseshoe bats; and the historic trial release of beavers into the River Otter, 300 years after the English population was hunted to extinction.

Food 4 Farmers

Food 4 Farmers partners with coffee-farming communities in Latin America to cultivate a food-secure future using environmentally-friendly practices. They believe that every family should have enough nutritious food every day. They coach and connect coffee-farming families and cooperatives with the expertise they need to strengthen local food systems, build economic independence, cultivate leadership among women and young people, support environmentally-sustainable farming practices, and restore surrounding ecosystems.

350 works on grassroots campaigns across the globe: from opposing coal plants and mega-pipelines, to supporting renewable energy solutions and cutting financial flows to fossil fuels. All of their work leverages people power to dismantle the influence and infrastructure of the fossil fuel industry.

Some of their proudest moments of recent years include campaigning against the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines in the United States; stopping fracking in hundreds of cities in Brazil and Argentina; pushing more than 1,000 universities, foundations, cities and churches to divest more than $12 trillion from fossil fuels; and joining historic grassroots mobilisations like the People’s Climate March and Global Climate Strike.

(‘1% for the Planet’ vet these organisations and certify all donations).

For more information on The Devon Coffee Company’s Sustainability Pledges, view here.

For general coffee enquiries, barista training, machine servicing, please contact the team via their listing.

Please contact us for more information, quotes and for a chat about coffee.
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